I am an associate professor at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. I feel it as my mission to empower individuals and society to enhance their safety for both physical threats (disasters and crises) as well as social threats (other people). In my recent lines of work, I have been studying how to protect citizens from disasters and crises (e.g., climate crisis, pandemics) with a particular emphasis on risk communication.
I am currently interested in facilitating behaviour change towards a more sustainable and healthy consumption pattern, including the acceptance of new sustainable food technologies. I investigate sustainability from a multi-level perspective, focusing on the role of citizens, governments, and organizations. By focusing on how to facilitate the protein transition, I contribute to the solutions of the most urgent challenges of our time: to fight climate change and to prevent future pandemics.
For my most recent CV, click here:
Contact information:
Department of Psychology of Conflict, Risk, and Safety (PCRS),
University of Twente,
De Zul 10,
7522 NJ Enschede,
The Netherlands
Telephone nr:
+31(0)53 4893 366